Table of Contents
library(ggplot2) args <- commandArgs(trailingOnly = TRUE) rep = paste("./",args[1],sep="") V_REP = c(paste(rep,"/ITE/A0/1E2/WgivenTrue/",sep=""), paste(rep,"/ITE/A1/1E2/WgivenTrue/",sep=""), paste(rep,"/ITE/A2/1E2/WgivenTrue/",sep=""), paste(rep,"/ITE/A3/1E2/WgivenTrue/",sep=""), paste(rep,"/ITE/A4/1E2/WgivenTrue/",sep=""), paste(rep,"/ITE/A2/1E4/WgivenTrue/",sep=""), paste(rep,"/ITE/A3/1E4/WgivenTrue/",sep=""), paste(rep,"/ITE/A4/1E4/WgivenTrue/",sep=""), paste(rep,"/ITE/A2/1E6/WgivenTrue/",sep=""), paste(rep,"/ITE/A3/1E6/WgivenTrue/",sep=""), paste(rep,"/ITE/A4/1E6/WgivenTrue/",sep="")) ARG1 = c("S0", "S1", "S2", "S3") ARG1 = c("S1", "S2", "S3") ARG2 = c("LD", "MD", "LMD") ARG3 = c(args[2]) V_FILE <- "" V_OUT <- "" V_PNG <- "" list <- "" t = 1; z = 1 for(z in 1:length(V_REP)){ t = 1 for(i in ARG1){ a = paste("*", i, sep="_") a2 = i if(i == "S3"){ARG22 = ARG2} if(i != "S3"){ARG22 = c("LD")} for(j in ARG22){ b = paste(a, j, sep="-") b2 = paste(a2, j, sep="-") for(k in ARG3){ c = paste(b, k, sep="-") c2 = paste(b2, k, sep="-") V_FILE[t] = paste(c, ".csv", sep="") V_OUT[t] = paste(c2, ".csv", sep="") V_PNG[t] = paste(c2, ".pdf", sep="") t = t+1 system(command = paste(paste(paste("cat", V_REP[z],sep=" "), V_FILE[t-1], sep=""), paste(">",paste(V_REP[z],V_OUT[t-1],sep=""),sep=" "), sep=" "), intern=TRUE) system(command = paste(paste("rm", V_REP[z],sep=" "), V_FILE[t-1], sep=""), intern = TRUE) } } } } iliste = 0 for(IV_REP in V_REP){ ip = 0; iliste = iliste + 1; dall <- 0 for(IV_OUT in V_OUT){ ip = ip + 1 # Read Data: filen = paste(IV_REP, IV_OUT, sep="") df3 = read.csv(file = filen) ite <- 0; ba <- 0.0; r <- 0.0; de <- 0.0; kw <- 0; s <- 0; enum <- 0; Si <-0; Swhich <- 0; Stheta <- 0; cpt <- 0 dimi1 = 1; dimi2 = length(df3$iterations); dimj = dimi2; dim = dimi2 ns = max(df3$enum) z = 0; t = 1; i = 1; maxrun = 3; val = 0 for(k in seq(0, ns, by=maxrun)){ z = 0 ite <- 0; ba <- 0.0; r <- 0.0; de <- 0.0; kw <- 0; s <- 0; enum <- 0; Si <-0; Swhich <- 0; Stheta <- 0 for(i in dimi1:dimi2){ if( (df3$s[i] == k & k==0) | (df3$enum[i] %in% seq(k-maxrun+1,k,by=1)) ){ ite[z+1] = df3$iterations[i]; ba[z+1] = df3$backward_error[i] de[z+1] = df3$direct_error[i]; r[z+1] = df3$approx_backward[i] kw[z+1] = df3$k[i]; s[z+1] = df3$s[i]; enum[z+1] = val #df3$enum[i] Si[z+1] = df3$Si[i]; Swhich[z+1] = df3$which[i]; Stheta[z+1] = df3$theta[i] z = z + 1 } }# end i val = val + 1 z = length(s) itec = 0 * seq(1, z, 1) - 1 bac = 0.0*itec; rc = bac; dec = bac; kwc = itec; sc = itec; enumc = itec Sic = itec; Swhichc = itec; Sthetac = bac cpt = 0*seq(1, z, 1) # *Mean in Group(enum) t = 1; i = 1 while(i <= z){ if((ite[i] %in% itec) == FALSE){ for(j in i:z){ if(ite[j] == ite[i]){ itec[t] = ite[i] bac[t] = bac[t] + ba[j]; rc[t] = rc[t] + r[j]; dec[t] = dec[t] + de[j] kwc[t] = kw[i]; sc[t] = s[i]; enumc[t] = enum[i] Sic[t] = Si[i]; Swhichc[t] = Swhich[i]; Sthetac[t] = Stheta[i] cpt[t] = cpt[t] + 1 }#end if }#end j t = t + 1 }#end if i = i + 1 }#end while ierr = 1 while(itec[ierr] > -1){ ierr = ierr + 1 }#end while ierr = ierr - 1 # **Delate if -1 itec = itec[1:ierr] bac = bac[1:ierr]; rc = rc[1:ierr]; dec = dec[1:ierr] kwc = kwc[1:ierr]; sc = sc[1:ierr]; enumc = enumc[1:ierr] Sic = Sic[1:ierr]; Swhichc = Swhichc[1:ierr]; Sthetac = Sthetac[1:ierr] cpt = cpt[1:ierr] # **Compute mean bac = bac/cpt; rc = rc/cpt; dec = dec/cpt # *Create data frame with group(s) #dff <- data.frame(itec, bac, rc, dec, kwc, sc) if(k == 0){ df = data.frame(itec, bac, rc, dec, kwc, sc, enumc, Sic, Swhichc, Sthetac) }else{df = rbind(df, data.frame(itec, bac, rc, dec, kwc, sc, enumc, Sic, Swhichc, Sthetac))} }#end k #pname = paste(IV_REP, V_PNG[ip], sep="") if(ip==1){ dall = df }else{dall = rbind(dall, df)} #print(dall) #write.csv(df, filen) list[iliste] = filen #p <- ggplot(data = df, aes(x=itec, y=bac,color=kwc, group=enumc))+geom_line()+scale_color_gradient(low = "blue", high = "red")+scale_y_continuous(trans='log2') #ggsave(pname, plot = p, width = 11, height = 8) } write.csv(dall, paste(IV_REP,"R.csv",sep="")) }
library(ggplot2) args <- commandArgs(trailingOnly = TRUE) rep = paste("./",args[1],sep="") rep2 = paste(paste("./",args[1],sep=""),"/ITE/",sep="") V_REP1 = c(paste(rep,"/ITE/A0/1E2/WgivenTrue/",sep=""), paste(rep,"/ITE/A1/1E2/WgivenTrue/",sep="")) V_REP = matrix(c(V_REP1), nrow=1, ncol=2, byrow=TRUE) A_FILE = c("A0", "A1") dall <- 0 i = 1 for(j in 1:2){ r = V_REP[i,j]; fn = paste(r, "R.csv", sep="") dall = read.csv(fn) ik=1;for(ij in dall$Sic){if(ij==1){dall$Sic[ik]="S1"};if(ij==2){dall$Sic[ik]="S2"};if(ij==3){dall$Sic[ik]="S3"};ik = ik + 1} ik=1;for(ij in dall$Swhichc){if(ij==1){dall$Swhichc[ik]="LD"};if(ij==2){dall$Swhichc[ik]="MD"};if(ij==3){dall$Swhichc[ik]="LMD"};ik = ik + 1} dall <- subset(dall, Sic!="S1") #BACKWARD ERROR: p <- ggplot(data = dall, aes(x=itec, y=bac, color=kwc, group=enumc))+geom_line()+scale_y_continuous(trans='log2', breaks=c(1,1E-4,1E-8,1E-12,1E-15,1E-16)) p <- p+facet_grid(. ~ Sic + Swhichc)+labs(y="Backward error")+labs(x="Solver iter.")+guides(color=guide_legend(title="k"))+scale_color_gradient(low = "blue", high = "red") p <- p + theme(legend.position="bottom","horizontal",legend.direction="horizontal")+theme(text = element_text(size = 10))+theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1)) r = paste(paste(paste(rep2,A_FILE[j],sep=""),"/BA",sep=""),paste(A_FILE[j],".pdf",sep=""),sep="_") ggsave(r, plot = p, width = 8, height = 6) r = paste(paste(paste(rep2,A_FILE[j],sep=""),"/BA",sep=""),paste(A_FILE[j],".png",sep=""),sep="_") ggsave(r, plot = p, width = 8, height = 6) #DIRECT ERROR: p <- ggplot(data = dall, aes(x=itec, y=dec, color=kwc, group=enumc))+geom_line()+scale_y_continuous(trans='log2',breaks=c(1,1E-4,1E-8,1E-13)) p <- p+facet_grid(. ~ Sic + Swhichc)+labs(y="Direct error (A-norm)")+labs(x="Solver iter.")+guides(color=guide_legend(title="k"))+scale_color_gradient(low = "blue", high = "red") p <- p + theme(legend.position="bottom","horizontal",legend.direction="horizontal")+theme(text = element_text(size = 10))+theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1)) r = paste(paste(paste(rep2,A_FILE[j],sep=""),"/DE",sep=""),paste(A_FILE[j],".pdf",sep=""),sep="_") ggsave(r, plot = p, width = 8, height = 6) r = paste(paste(paste(rep2,A_FILE[j],sep=""),"/DE",sep=""),paste(A_FILE[j],".png",sep=""),sep="_") ggsave(r, plot = p, width = 8, height = 6) #ITERATED BACKWARD ERROR: p <- ggplot(data = dall, aes(x=itec, y=rc, color=kwc, group=enumc))+geom_line()+scale_y_continuous(trans='log2', breaks=c(1,1E-4,1E-8,1E-12,1E-15,1E-16)) p <- p+facet_grid(. ~ Sic + Swhichc)+labs(y="Iterated backward error")+labs(x="Solver iter.")+guides(color=guide_legend(title="k"))+scale_color_gradient(low = "blue", high = "red") p <- p + theme(legend.position="bottom","horizontal",legend.direction="horizontal")+theme(text = element_text(size = 10))+theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1)) r = paste(paste(paste(rep2,A_FILE[j],sep=""),"/IBA",sep=""),paste(A_FILE[j],".pdf",sep=""),sep="_") ggsave(r, plot = p, width = 8, height = 6) r = paste(paste(paste(rep2,A_FILE[j],sep=""),"/IBA",sep=""),paste(A_FILE[j],".png",sep=""),sep="_") ggsave(r, plot = p, width = 8, height = 6) } V_REP1 = c(paste(rep,"/ITE/A2/1E2/WgivenTrue/",sep=""),paste(rep,"/ITE/A2/1E4/WgivenTrue/",sep=""),paste(rep,"/ITE/A2/1E6/WgivenTrue/",sep="")) V_REP2 = c(paste(rep,"/ITE/A3/1E2/WgivenTrue/",sep=""), paste(rep,"/ITE/A3/1E4/WgivenTrue/",sep=""),paste(rep,"/ITE/A3/1E6/WgivenTrue/",sep="")) V_REP3 = c(paste(rep,"/ITE/A4/1E2/WgivenTrue/",sep=""),paste(rep,"/ITE/A4/1E4/WgivenTrue/",sep=""),paste(rep,"/ITE/A4/1E6/WgivenTrue/",sep="")) V_REP = matrix(c(V_REP1, V_REP2, V_REP3), nrow=3, ncol=3, byrow=TRUE) A_FILE = c("A2", "A3", "A4") dall <- 0 for(i in 1:3){ for(j in 1:3 ){ r = V_REP[i, j]; fn = paste(r, "R.csv",sep=""); dfff = read.csv(fn) if(j==1){dall = read.csv(fn)}else{dall = rbind(dall, dfff)} } ik=1;for(ij in dall$Sic){if(ij==1){dall$Sic[ik]="S1"};if(ij==2){dall$Sic[ik]="S2"};if(ij==3){dall$Sic[ik]="S3"};ik = ik + 1} ik=1;for(ij in dall$Swhichc){if(ij==1){dall$Swhichc[ik]="LD"};if(ij==2){dall$Swhichc[ik]="MD"};if(ij==3){dall$Swhichc[ik]="LMD"};ik = ik + 1} ik=1;for(ij in dall$Sthetac){if(ij==1){dall$Sthetac[ik]="1E2"};if(ij==2){dall$Sthetac[ik]="1E4"};if(ij==3){dall$Sthetac[ik]="1E6"};ik = ik + 1} xlim = 0 for(ik in 1:length(dall$kwc)){if(dall$kwc[ik]==0){xlim =max(xlim,dall$itec[ik])}} xlim = xlim + 2 dall$lt <- 0 dall <- subset(dall, Sic!="S1") for(ik in 1:length(dall$kwc)){if(dall$kwc[ik]==1){dall$lt[ik]=1};if(dall$kwc[ik]==2){dall$lt[ik]=2};if(dall$kwc[ik]==3){dall$lt[ik]=3};if(dall$kwc[ik]==4){dall$lt[ik]=4}} for(iz in 1:2){ #p <- ggplot(data = dall, aes(x=itec, y=bac, color=factor(kwc), group=enumc))+geom_line()+scale_y_continuous(limits=c(1E-16, 1),trans='log2') #p <- p+facet_grid(Sthetac ~ Sic + Swhichc)+labs(y="backward error")+labs(x="solver iter.")+guides(color=guide_legend(title="k")) #BACKWARD ERROR: p <- ggplot(data = dall, aes(x=itec, y=bac, color=kwc, group=enumc))+geom_line(aes(linetype=factor(lt)))+scale_y_continuous(trans='log2', breaks=c(1,1E-4,1E-8,1E-12,1E-15))+ scale_x_continuous(limits=c(0, xlim)) p <- p+facet_grid(Sthetac ~ Sic + Swhichc)+labs(y="Backward error")+labs(x="Solver iter.")+guides(color=guide_legend(title="k"), linetype=guide_legend(title="k"))+scale_color_gradient(low = "blue", high = "red") p <- p + theme(legend.position="bottom","horizontal",legend.direction="horizontal")+theme(text = element_text(size = 10))+theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1)) if(iz==2){ r = paste(paste(paste(rep2,A_FILE[i],sep=""),paste("/ZOOM","BA",sep="_"),sep=""),paste(A_FILE[i],".pdf",sep=""),sep="_") p <- p + scale_x_continuous(limits=c(0, 5))+ scale_y_continuous(trans='log2', breaks=c(1,1E-4,1E-8,1E-12,1E-15)) }else{r = paste(paste(paste(rep2,A_FILE[i],sep=""),"/BA",sep=""),paste(A_FILE[i],".pdf",sep=""),sep="_")} ggsave(r, plot = p, width = 8, height = 6) if(iz==2){ r = paste(paste(paste(rep2,A_FILE[i],sep=""),paste("/ZOOM","BA",sep="_"),sep=""),paste(A_FILE[i],".png",sep=""),sep="_") p <- p + scale_x_continuous(limits=c(0, 5))+ scale_y_continuous(trans='log2', breaks=c(1,1E-4,1E-8,1E-12,1E-15)) }else{r = paste(paste(paste(rep2,A_FILE[i],sep=""),"/BA",sep=""),paste(A_FILE[i],".png",sep=""),sep="_")} ggsave(r, plot = p, width = 8, height = 6) #DIRECT ERROR (A-NORM): p <- ggplot(data = dall, aes(x=itec, y=dec, color=kwc, group=enumc))+geom_line(aes(linetype=factor(lt)))+scale_y_continuous(trans='log2',breaks=c(1,1E-4,1E-8,1E-13))+ scale_x_continuous(limits=c(0, xlim)) p <- p+facet_grid(Sthetac ~ Sic + Swhichc)+labs(y="Direct error (A-norm)")+labs(x="Solver iter.")+guides(color=guide_legend(title="k"), linetype=guide_legend(title="k"))+scale_color_gradient(low = "blue", high = "red") p <- p + theme(legend.position="bottom","horizontal",legend.direction="horizontal")+theme(text = element_text(size = 10))+theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1)) if(iz==2){ r = paste(paste(paste(rep2,A_FILE[i],sep=""),paste("/ZOOM","DE",sep="_"),sep=""),paste(A_FILE[i],".pdf",sep=""),sep="_") p <- p + scale_x_continuous(limits=c(0, 5))+ scale_y_continuous(trans='log2',breaks=c(1,1E-4,1E-8,1E-13)) }else{r = paste(paste(paste(rep2,A_FILE[i],sep=""),"/DE",sep=""),paste(A_FILE[i],".pdf",sep=""),sep="_")} ggsave(r, plot = p, width = 8, height = 6) if(iz==2){ r = paste(paste(paste(rep2,A_FILE[i],sep=""),paste("/ZOOM","DE",sep="_"),sep=""),paste(A_FILE[i],".png",sep=""),sep="_") p <- p + scale_x_continuous(limits=c(0, 5))+ scale_y_continuous(trans='log2',breaks=c(1,1E-4,1E-8,1E-13)) }else{r = paste(paste(paste(rep2,A_FILE[i],sep=""),"/DE",sep=""),paste(A_FILE[i],".png",sep=""),sep="_")} ggsave(r, plot = p, width = 8, height = 6) #ITERATED BACKWARD ERROR: p <- ggplot(data = dall, aes(x=itec, y=rc, color=kwc, group=enumc))+geom_line(aes(linetype=factor(lt)))+scale_y_continuous(trans='log2', breaks=c(1,1E-4,1E-8,1E-12,1E-15))+ scale_x_continuous(limits=c(0, xlim)) p <- p+facet_grid(Sthetac ~ Sic + Swhichc)+labs(y="Iterated bacward error")+labs(x="Solver iter.")+guides(color=guide_legend(title="k"), linetype=guide_legend(title="k"))+scale_color_gradient(low = "blue", high = "red") p <- p + theme(legend.position="bottom","horizontal",legend.direction="horizontal")+theme(text = element_text(size = 10))+theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1)) if(iz==2){ r = paste(paste(paste(rep2,A_FILE[i],sep=""),paste("/ZOOM","IBA",sep="_"),sep=""),paste(A_FILE[i],".pdf",sep=""),sep="_") p <- p + scale_x_continuous(limits=c(0, 5))+ scale_y_continuous(trans='log2', breaks=c(1,1E-4,1E-8,1E-12,1E-15)) }else{r = paste(paste(paste(rep2,A_FILE[i],sep=""),"/IBA",sep=""),paste(A_FILE[i],".pdf",sep=""),sep="_")} ggsave(r, plot = p, width = 8, height = 6) if(iz==2){ r = paste(paste(paste(rep2,A_FILE[i],sep=""),paste("/ZOOM","IBA",sep="_"),sep=""),paste(A_FILE[i],".png",sep=""),sep="_") p <- p + scale_x_continuous(limits=c(0, 5))+ scale_y_continuous(trans='log2', breaks=c(1,1E-4,1E-8,1E-12,1E-15)) }else{r = paste(paste(paste(rep2,A_FILE[i],sep=""),"/IBA",sep=""),paste(A_FILE[i],".png",sep=""),sep="_")} ggsave(r, plot = p, width = 8, height = 6) } }
library(ggplot2) args <- commandArgs(trailingOnly = TRUE) rep = paste("./",args[1],sep="") V_REP = c(paste(rep,"/ITE/A2/1E2/WgivenTrue/",sep=""), paste(rep,"/ITE/A2/1E4/WgivenTrue/",sep=""), paste(rep,"/ITE/A2/1E6/WgivenTrue/",sep=""), paste(rep,"/ITE/A3/1E2/WgivenTrue/",sep=""), paste(rep,"/ITE/A3/1E4/WgivenTrue/",sep=""), paste(rep,"/ITE/A3/1E6/WgivenTrue/",sep="")) ARG1 = c("S3") ARG2 = c("LD", "MD") ARG3 = c(args[2]) V_FILE <- "" V_OUT <- "" V_PNG <- "" list <- "" t = 1; z = 1 for(z in 1:length(V_REP)){ t = 1 for(i in ARG1){ a = paste("*", i, sep="_") a2 = i if(i == "S3"){ARG22 = ARG2} if(i != "S3"){ARG22 = c("LD")} for(j in ARG22){ b = paste(a, j, sep="-") b2 = paste(a2, j, sep="-") for(k in ARG3){ c = paste(b, k, sep="-") c2 = paste(b2, k, sep="-") V_FILE[t] = paste(c, ".csv", sep="") V_OUT[t] = paste(c2, ".csv", sep="") V_PNG[t] = paste(c2, ".pdf", sep="") t = t+1 system(command = paste(paste(paste("cat", V_REP[z],sep=" "), V_FILE[t-1], sep=""), paste(">",paste(V_REP[z],V_OUT[t-1],sep=""),sep=" "), sep=" "), intern=TRUE) system(command = paste(paste("rm", V_REP[z],sep=" "), V_FILE[t-1], sep=""), intern = TRUE) } } } } ext = paste(args[2],".csv",sep="") F_REP = c(paste(rep,paste("/ITE/A2/1E2/WgivenTrue/S3-LD-",ext,sep=""),sep=""), paste(rep,paste("/ITE/A2/1E4/WgivenTrue/S3-LD-"),ext,sep=""), paste(rep,paste("/ITE/A2/1E6/WgivenTrue/S3-LD-",ext,sep=""),sep=""), paste(rep,paste("/ITE/A3/1E2/WgivenTrue/S3-MD-",ext,sep=""),sep=""), paste(rep,paste("/ITE/A3/1E4/WgivenTrue/S3-MD-",ext,sep=""),sep=""), paste(rep,paste("/ITE/A3/1E6/WgivenTrue/S3-MD-",ext,sep=""),sep="")) ip = 0 for(fn in F_REP){ ip = ip + 1 df = read.csv(fn) dred <- subset(df, k == 0) df <- subset(df, k != 0) dba <- aggregate(x=dred$backward_error, by=list(dred$iterations), FUN=mean) dr <- aggregate(x=dred$approx_backward, by=list(dred$iterations), FUN=mean) dde <- aggregate(x=dred$direct_error, by=list(dred$iterations), FUN=mean) dred = dred[,-2] t = max(dred$iterations) t = t + 1 dred = dred[1:t,] dred$backward_error = dba$x dred$approx_backward = dr$x dred$direct_error = dde$x for(iz in dred$iterations){ if(iz==max(dred$iterations)){dred = dred[1:iz,]} } df = rbind(df,dred) df = df[1:length(df$iterations)-1,] df$Sin = df$enum df = df[,-7] df$lt <- 0 for(ik in 1:length(df$k)){if(df$k[ik]==0){df$lt[ik]=4};if(df$k[ik]==1){df$lt[ik]=1}} write.csv(df, fn) if(ip<=3){val=c(1e-6,1e-5,1e-4,1e-3,1e-2,1e-1,0.25,0.5,0.75,0.90,1.0)} else{val=c(1e-6,1e-5,1e-4,1e-3,1e-2,1e-1,0.25,0.5,0.75,0.90,0.95,1.0)} p <- ggplot(data = df, aes(x=iterations, y=backward_error, color=Sin, group=Sin))+geom_line(linetype=df$lt)+scale_y_continuous(trans='log', breaks=c(1,1E-4,1E-8,1E-12,1E-15)) p <- p+labs(y="Backward error")+labs(x="Solver iter.")+scale_color_gradient(low = "red", high = "blue", trans="log", breaks = val) p <- p + guides(color=guide_legend(title="Sin<(w,u)")) p <- p + theme(legend.position="bottom","horizontal",legend.direction="horizontal")+theme(text = element_text(size = 10))+theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1)) r = paste(fn,"-BA.pdf",sep="") ggsave(r, plot = p, width = 8, height = 6) r = paste(fn,"-BA.png",sep="") ggsave(r, plot = p, width = 8, height = 6) p <- ggplot(data = df, aes(x=iterations, y=direct_error, color=Sin, group=Sin))+geom_line(linetype=df$lt)+scale_y_continuous(trans='log', breaks=c(1,1E-4,1E-8,1E-13)) p <- p+labs(y="Direct error (A-norm)")+labs(x="Solver iter.")+scale_color_gradient(low = "red", high = "blue", trans="log", breaks = val) p <- p + guides(color=guide_legend(title="Sin<(w,u)")) p <- p + theme(legend.position="bottom","horizontal",legend.direction="horizontal")+theme(text = element_text(size = 10))+theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1)) r = paste(fn,"-DE.pdf",sep="") ggsave(r, plot = p, width = 8, height = 6) r = paste(fn,"-DE.png",sep="") ggsave(r, plot = p, width = 8, height = 6) p <- ggplot(data = df, aes(x=iterations, y=approx_backward, color=Sin, group=Sin))+geom_line(linetype=df$lt)+scale_y_continuous(trans='log', breaks=c(1,1E-4,1E-8,1E-12,1E-15)) p <- p+labs(y="Iterated backward error")+labs(x="Solver iter.")+scale_color_gradient(low = "red", high = "blue", trans="log", breaks = val) p <- p + guides(color=guide_legend(title="Sin<(w,u)")) p <- p + theme(legend.position="bottom","horizontal",legend.direction="horizontal")+theme(text = element_text(size = 10))+theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1)) r = paste(fn,"-IBA.pdf",sep="") ggsave(r, plot = p, width = 8, height = 6) r = paste(fn,"-IBA.png",sep="") ggsave(r, plot = p, width = 8, height = 6) if(ip == 1 | ip == 4){dall = df}else{dall = rbind(dall,df)} if(ip == 3 | ip == 6){ p <- ggplot(data = dall, aes(x=iterations, y=backward_error, color=Sin, group=Sin))+geom_line(linetype=dall$lt)+scale_y_continuous(trans='log', breaks=c(1,1E-4,1E-8,1E-12,1E-15)) p <- p + facet_grid(~ theta) p <- p+labs(y="Backward error")+labs(x="Solver iter.")+scale_color_gradient(low = "red", high = "blue", trans="log", breaks = val) p <- p + guides(color=guide_legend(title="Sin<(w,u)")) r = paste(fn,"-all-BA.pdf",sep="") ggsave(r, plot = p, width = 8, height = 6) r = paste(fn,"-all-BA.png",sep="") ggsave(r, plot = p, width = 8, height = 6) p <- ggplot(data = dall, aes(x=iterations, y=direct_error, color=Sin, group=Sin))+geom_line(linetype=dall$lt)+scale_y_continuous(trans='log', breaks=c(1,1E-4,1E-8,1E-13)) p <- p + facet_grid(~ theta) p <- p+labs(y="Direct error (A-norm)")+labs(x="Solver iter.")+scale_color_gradient(low = "red", high = "blue", trans="log", breaks = val) p <- p + guides(color=guide_legend(title="Sin<(w,u)")) r = paste(fn,"-all-DE.pdf",sep="") ggsave(r, plot = p, width = 8, height = 6) r = paste(fn,"-all-DE.png",sep="") ggsave(r, plot = p, width = 8, height = 6) p <- ggplot(data = dall, aes(x=iterations, y=approx_backward, color=Sin, group=Sin))+geom_line(linetype=dall$lt)+scale_y_continuous(trans='log', breaks=c(1,1E-4,1E-8,1E-12,1E-15)) p <- p + facet_grid(~ theta) p <- p+labs(y="Iterated backward error")+labs(x="Solver iter.")+scale_color_gradient(low = "red", high = "blue", trans="log", breaks = val) p <- p + guides(color=guide_legend(title="Sin<(w,u)")) r = paste(fn,"-all-IBA.pdf",sep="") ggsave(r, plot = p, width = 8, height = 6) r = paste(fn,"-all-IBA.png",sep="") ggsave(r, plot = p, width = 8, height = 6) } }
library(ggplot2) args <- commandArgs(trailingOnly = TRUE) rep = paste("./",args[3],sep="") rep2 = paste(paste("./",args[3],sep=""),"/ITE/",sep="") V_REP1 = c(paste(rep,"/ITE/A0/1E2/WgivenFalse/",sep=""), paste(rep,"/ITE/A1/1E2/WgivenFalse/",sep="")) V_REP = matrix(c(V_REP1), nrow=1, ncol=2, byrow=TRUE) A_FILE = c("A0", "A1") dall <- 0 outfn1 = paste(paste("L_",args[1],sep=""),args[2],sep="_") i = 1 for(j in 1:2){ r = V_REP[i,j]; fn = paste(r, "R.csv", sep="") dall = read.csv(fn) ik=1;for(ij in dall$Sic){if(ij==1){dall$Sic[ik]="S1"};if(ij==2){dall$Sic[ik]="S2"};if(ij==3){dall$Sic[ik]="S3"};ik = ik + 1} ik=1;for(ij in dall$Swhichc){if(ij==1){dall$Swhichc[ik]="LD"};if(ij==2){dall$Swhichc[ik]="MD"};if(ij==3){dall$Swhichc[ik]="LMD"};ik = ik + 1} #BACKWARD ERROR: p <- ggplot(data = dall, aes(x=itec, y=bac, color=kwc, group=enumc))+geom_line()+scale_y_continuous(limits=c(1E-16, 1),trans='log2', breaks=c(1,1E-4,1E-8,1E-12,1E-15)) p <- p+facet_grid(. ~ Sic + Swhichc)+labs(y="Backward error")+labs(x="Solver iter.")+guides(color=guide_legend(title="k"))+scale_color_gradient(low = "blue", high = "red") p <- p + theme(legend.position="bottom","horizontal",legend.direction="horizontal")+theme(text = element_text(size = 10))+theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1)) r = paste(paste(paste(rep2,A_FILE[j],sep=""),"/BA",sep=""),paste(paste(A_FILE[j],outfn1,sep="_"),".pdf",sep=""),sep="_") ggsave(r, plot = p, width = 8, height = 6) r = paste(paste(paste(rep2,A_FILE[j],sep=""),"/BA",sep=""),paste(paste(A_FILE[j],outfn1,sep="_"),".png",sep=""),sep="_") ggsave(r, plot = p, width = 8, height = 6) #DIRECT ERROR: p <- ggplot(data = dall, aes(x=itec, y=dec, color=kwc, group=enumc))+geom_line()+scale_y_continuous(trans='log2', breaks=c(1,1E-4,1E-8,1E-13)) p <- p+facet_grid(. ~ Sic + Swhichc)+labs(y="Direct error (A-norm)")+labs(x="Solver iter.")+guides(color=guide_legend(title="k"))+scale_color_gradient(low = "blue", high = "red") p <- p + theme(legend.position="bottom","horizontal",legend.direction="horizontal")+theme(text = element_text(size = 10))+theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1)) r = paste(paste(paste(rep2,A_FILE[j],sep=""),"/DE",sep=""),paste(paste(A_FILE[j],outfn1,sep="_"),".pdf",sep=""),sep="_") ggsave(r, plot = p, width = 8, height = 6) r = paste(paste(paste(rep2,A_FILE[j],sep=""),"/DE",sep=""),paste(paste(A_FILE[j],outfn1,sep="_"),".png",sep=""),sep="_") ggsave(r, plot = p, width = 8, height = 6) #ITERATED BACKWARD ERROR: p <- ggplot(data = dall, aes(x=itec, y=rc, color=kwc, group=enumc))+geom_line()+scale_y_continuous(trans='log2', breaks=c(1,1E-4,1E-8,1E-12,1E-15)) p <- p+facet_grid(. ~ Sic + Swhichc)+labs(y="Iterated backward error")+labs(x="Solver iter.")+guides(color=guide_legend(title="k"))+scale_color_gradient(low = "blue", high = "red") p <- p + theme(legend.position="bottom","horizontal",legend.direction="horizontal")+theme(text = element_text(size = 10))+theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1)) r = paste(paste(paste(rep2,A_FILE[j],sep=""),"/IBA",sep=""),paste(paste(A_FILE[j],outfn1,sep="_"),".pdf",sep=""),sep="_") ggsave(r, plot = p, width = 8, height = 6) r = paste(paste(paste(rep2,A_FILE[j],sep=""),"/IBA",sep=""),paste(paste(A_FILE[j],outfn1,sep="_"),".png",sep=""),sep="_") ggsave(r, plot = p, width = 8, height = 6) } V_REP1 = c(paste(rep,"/ITE/A2/1E2/WgivenFalse/",sep=""), paste(rep,"/ITE/A2/1E4/WgivenFalse/",sep=""), paste(rep,"/ITE/A2/1E6/WgivenFalse/",sep="")) V_REP2 = c(paste(rep,"/ITE/A3/1E2/WgivenFalse/",sep=""), paste(rep,"/ITE/A3/1E4/WgivenFalse/",sep=""), paste(rep,"/ITE/A3/1E6/WgivenFalse/",sep="")) V_REP3 = c(paste(rep,"/ITE/A4/1E2/WgivenFalse/",sep=""), paste(rep,"/ITE/A4/1E4/WgivenFalse/",sep=""), paste(rep,"/ITE/A4/1E6/WgivenFalse/",sep="")) V_REP = matrix(c(V_REP1, V_REP2, V_REP3), nrow=3, ncol=3, byrow=TRUE) A_FILE = c("A2", "A3", "A4") dall <- 0 for(i in 1:3){ for(j in 1:3 ){ r = V_REP[i, j]; fn = paste(r, "R.csv",sep=""); dfff = read.csv(fn) if(j==1){dall = read.csv(fn)}else{dall = rbind(dall, dfff)} } ik=1;for(ij in dall$Sic){if(ij==1){dall$Sic[ik]="S1"};if(ij==2){dall$Sic[ik]="S2"};if(ij==3){dall$Sic[ik]="S3"};ik = ik + 1} ik=1;for(ij in dall$Swhichc){if(ij==1){dall$Swhichc[ik]="LD"};if(ij==2){dall$Swhichc[ik]="MD"};if(ij==3){dall$Swhichc[ik]="LMD"};ik = ik + 1} ik=1;for(ij in dall$Sthetac){if(ij==1){dall$Sthetac[ik]="1E2"};if(ij==2){dall$Sthetac[ik]="1E4"};if(ij==3){dall$Sthetac[ik]="1E6"};ik = ik + 1} outfn = paste(paste(paste("L_",args[1],sep=""),args[2],sep="_"),".csv",sep="") print(outfn) dall$l = paste(args[1],args[2],sep=" - ") for(ik in 1:length(dall$l)){if(dall$Sic[ik]=="S1" | dall$Sic[ik]=="S2"){dall$l[ik]="-"}} write.csv(dall, paste(paste(rep2,A_FILE[i],sep=""),outfn,sep="/L/")) for(ik in 1:length(dall$kwc)){if(dall$kwc[ik]==0 & dall$sc[ik]>1){dall$kwc[ik]=dall$kwc[ik-1]}} xlim = 0 for(ik in 1:length(dall$kwc)){if(dall$kwc[ik]==0){xlim =max(xlim,dall$itec[ik])}} xlim = xlim + 2 dall$lt <- 0 for(ik in 1:length(dall$kwc)){if(dall$kwc[ik]==1){dall$lt[ik]=1};if(dall$kwc[ik]==2){dall$lt[ik]=2};if(dall$kwc[ik]==3){dall$lt[ik]=3};if(dall$kwc[ik]==4){dall$lt[ik]=4}} dcopy <- dall for(isi in 1:2){ dall <- dcopy if(isi==1){dall <- subset(dcopy, Sic=="S1");dall <- rbind(dall,subset(dcopy, Sic=="S2")); isep = paste("_","1",sep="")} if(isi==2){dall <- subset(dcopy, Sic!="S1");dall <- subset(dall, Sic!="S2"); isep = paste("_","1",sep=""); isep = paste("_","2",sep="")} for(iz in 1:2){ #p <- ggplot(data = dall, aes(x=itec, y=bac, color=factor(kwc), group=enumc))+geom_line()+scale_y_continuous(trans='log2') #p <- p+facet_grid(Sthetac ~ Sic + Swhichc)+labs(y="backward error")+labs(x="solver iter.")+guides(color=guide_legend(title="k")) #BACKWARD ERROR: p <- ggplot(data = dall, aes(x=itec, y=bac, color=kwc, group=enumc))+geom_line(aes(linetype=factor(lt)))+scale_y_continuous(limits=c(1E-16, 1),trans='log2', breaks=c(1,1E-4,1E-8,1E-12,1E-15))+ scale_x_continuous(limits=c(0, xlim)) p <- p+facet_grid(Sthetac ~ Sic + Swhichc+ l)+labs(y="Backward error")+labs(x="Solver iter.")+guides(color=guide_legend(title="k"), linetype=guide_legend(title="k"))+scale_color_gradient(low = "blue", high = "red") p <- p + theme(legend.position="bottom","horizontal",legend.direction="horizontal")+theme(text = element_text(size = 10))+theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1)) if(iz==2){ r = paste(paste(paste(rep2,A_FILE[i],sep=""),paste("/ZOOM","BA",sep="_"),sep=""),paste(paste(A_FILE[i],outfn1,sep="_"),".pdf",sep=isep),sep="_") p <- p + scale_x_continuous(limits=c(0, 7))+ scale_y_continuous(trans='log2') }else{r = paste(paste(paste(rep2,A_FILE[i],sep=""),"/BA",sep=""),paste(paste(A_FILE[i],outfn1,sep="_"),".pdf",sep=isep),sep="_")} ggsave(r, plot = p, width = 8, height = 6) if(iz==2){ r = paste(paste(paste(rep2,A_FILE[i],sep=""),paste("/ZOOM","BA",sep="_"),sep=""),paste(paste(A_FILE[i],outfn1,sep="_"),".pdf",sep=isep),sep="_") p <- p + scale_x_continuous(limits=c(0, 7))+ scale_y_continuous(trans='log2') }else{r = paste(paste(paste(rep2,A_FILE[i],sep=""),"/BA",sep=""),paste(paste(A_FILE[i],outfn1,sep="_"),".png",sep=isep),sep="_")} ggsave(r, plot = p, width = 8, height = 6) #DIRECT ERROR (A-NORM): p <- ggplot(data = dall, aes(x=itec, y=dec, color=kwc, group=enumc))+geom_line(aes(linetype=factor(lt)))+scale_y_continuous(trans='log2', breaks=c(1,1E-4,1E-8,1E-13))+ scale_x_continuous(limits=c(0, xlim)) p <- p+facet_grid(Sthetac ~ Sic + Swhichc + l)+labs(y="Direct error (A-norm)")+labs(x="Solver iter.")+guides(color=guide_legend(title="k"), linetype=guide_legend(title="k"))+scale_color_gradient(low = "blue", high = "red") p <- p + theme(legend.position="bottom","horizontal",legend.direction="horizontal")+theme(text = element_text(size = 10))+theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1)) if(iz==2){ r = paste(paste(paste(rep2,A_FILE[i],sep=""),paste("/ZOOM","DE",sep="_"),sep=""),paste(paste(A_FILE[i],outfn1,sep="_"),".pdf",sep=isep),sep="_") p <- p + scale_x_continuous(limits=c(0, 5))+ scale_y_continuous(trans='log2') }else{r = paste(paste(paste(rep2,A_FILE[i],sep=""),"/DE",sep=""),paste(paste(A_FILE[i],outfn1,sep="_"),".pdf",sep=isep),sep="_")} ggsave(r, plot = p, width = 8, height = 6) if(iz==2){ r = paste(paste(paste(rep2,A_FILE[i],sep=""),paste("/ZOOM","DE",sep="_"),sep=""),paste(paste(A_FILE[i],outfn1,sep="_"),".pdf",sep=isep),sep="_") p <- p + scale_x_continuous(limits=c(0, 5))+ scale_y_continuous(trans='log2') }else{r = paste(paste(paste(rep2,A_FILE[i],sep=""),"/DE",sep=""),paste(paste(A_FILE[i],outfn1,sep="_"),".png",sep=isep),sep="_")} ggsave(r, plot = p, width = 8, height = 6) #ITERATED BACKWARD ERROR: p <- ggplot(data = dall, aes(x=itec, y=rc, color=kwc, group=enumc))+geom_line(aes(linetype=factor(lt)))+scale_y_continuous(trans='log2', breaks=c(1,1E-4,1E-8,1E-12,1E-15))+ scale_x_continuous(limits=c(0, xlim)) p <- p+facet_grid(Sthetac ~ Sic + Swhichc + l)+labs(y="Iterated bacward error")+labs(x="Solver iter.")+guides(color=guide_legend(title="k"), linetype=guide_legend(title="k"))+scale_color_gradient(low = "blue", high = "red") p <- p + theme(legend.position="bottom","horizontal",legend.direction="horizontal")+theme(text = element_text(size = 10))+theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1)) if(iz==2){ r = paste(paste(paste(rep2,A_FILE[i],sep=""),paste("/ZOOM","IBA",sep="_"),sep=""),paste(paste(A_FILE[i],outfn1,sep="_"),".pdf",sep=isep),sep="_") p <- p + scale_x_continuous(limits=c(0, 5))+ scale_y_continuous(trans='log2') }else{r = paste(paste(paste(rep2,A_FILE[i],sep=""),"/IBA",sep=""),paste(paste(A_FILE[i],outfn1,sep="_"),".pdf",sep=""),sep=isep)} ggsave(r, plot = p, width = 8, height = 6) if(iz==2){ r = paste(paste(paste(rep2,A_FILE[i],sep=""),paste("/ZOOM","IBA",sep="_"),sep=""),paste(paste(A_FILE[i],outfn1,sep="_"),".pdf",sep=isep),sep="_") p <- p + scale_x_continuous(limits=c(0, 5))+ scale_y_continuous(trans='log2') }else{r = paste(paste(paste(rep2,A_FILE[i],sep=""),"/IBA",sep=""),paste(paste(A_FILE[i],outfn1,sep="_"),".png",sep=isep),sep="_")} ggsave(r, plot = p, width = 8, height = 6) } } }
library(ggplot2) args <- commandArgs(trailingOnly = TRUE) rep = paste("./",args[1],sep="") V_REP1 = c(paste(rep,"/ITE/A2/L/",sep=""), paste(rep,"/ITE/A3/L/",sep=""), paste(rep,"/ITE/A4/L/",sep="")) V_REP = matrix(c(V_REP1), nrow=1, ncol=3, byrow=TRUE) A_FILE = c("A2", "A3", "A4") pp <- 0 print(getwd()) for(j in 1:3){ setwd(V_REP[1,j]) print(getwd()) liste = dir() print(liste) ns = length(liste) for(ifn in 1:ns){ print(liste[ifn]) dff=read.csv(liste[ifn]) if(ifn == 1){df = read.csv(liste[ifn])} else{df = rbind(df, dff)} } df <- subset(df, Sic != "S1") df <- subset(df, Sic != "S2") xlim = 0 for(ik in 1:length(df$kwc)){if(df$kwc[ik]==0){xlim =max(xlim,df$itec[ik])}} xlim = xlim + 2 #df$lt <- 0 #for(ik in 1:length(df$kwc)){if(df$kwc[ik]==1){df$lt[ik]=1};if(df$kwc[ik]==1){df$lt[ik]=2};if(df$kwc[ik]==3){df$lt[ik]=3};if(df$kwc[ik]==4){df$lt[ik]=4}} for(z in 1:2){ if(z==1){df1 <- subset(df, Swhichc != "LMD");df1 <- subset(df1, Swhichc != "MD");dff <- df1} if(z==2){df2 <- subset(df, Swhichc != "LMD");df2 <- subset(df2, Swhichc != "LD");dff <- df2} #BACKWARD ERROR p <- ggplot(data = dff, aes(x=itec, y=bac, color=kwc, group=enumc))+geom_line()+scale_y_continuous(limits=c(1E-16, 1),trans='log2', breaks=c(1,1E-4,1E-8,1E-12,1E-15))+ scale_x_continuous(limits=c(0, xlim)) p <- p+facet_grid(Sthetac ~ Sic+Swhichc+l)+labs(y="Backward error")+labs(x="Solver iter.")+guides(color=guide_legend(title="k"))+scale_color_gradient(low = "blue", high = "red") p <- p + theme(legend.position="bottom","horizontal",legend.direction="horizontal")+theme(text = element_text(size = 10))+theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1)) if(z==1){ggsave(paste("../LD",paste(j,"BA.pdf",sep=""),sep=""), plot = p, width = 8, height = 6)} if(z==2){ggsave(paste("../MD",paste(j,"BA.pdf",sep=""),sep=""), plot = p, width = 8, height = 6)} if(z==1){ggsave(paste("../LD",paste(j,"BA.png",sep=""),sep=""), plot = p, width = 8, height = 6)} if(z==2){ggsave(paste("../MD",paste(j,"BA.png",sep=""),sep=""), plot = p, width = 8, height = 6)} #DIRECT ERROR p <- ggplot(data = dff, aes(x=itec, y=dec, color=kwc, group=enumc))+geom_line()+scale_y_continuous(limits=c(1E-16, 1),trans='log2', breaks=c(1,1E-4,1E-8,1E-13))+ scale_x_continuous(limits=c(0, xlim)) p <- p+facet_grid(Sthetac ~ Sic+Swhichc+l)+labs(y="Direct error (A-norm)")+labs(x="Solver iter.")+guides(color=guide_legend(title="k"))+scale_color_gradient(low = "blue", high = "red") p <- p + theme(legend.position="bottom","horizontal",legend.direction="horizontal")+theme(text = element_text(size = 10))+theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1)) if(z==1){ggsave(paste("../LD",paste(j,"DE.pdf",sep=""),sep=""), plot = p, width = 8, height = 6)} if(z==2){ggsave(paste("../MD",paste(j,"DE.pdf",sep=""),sep=""), plot = p, width = 8, height = 6)} if(z==1){ggsave(paste("../LD",paste(j,"DE.png",sep=""),sep=""), plot = p, width = 8, height = 6)} if(z==2){ggsave(paste("../MD",paste(j,"DE.png",sep=""),sep=""), plot = p, width = 8, height = 6)} #ITERATED BACKWARD ERROR p <- ggplot(data = dff, aes(x=itec, y=rc, color=kwc, group=enumc))+geom_line()+scale_y_continuous(limits=c(1E-16, 1),trans='log2', breaks=c(1,1E-4,1E-8,1E-12,1E-15))+ scale_x_continuous(limits=c(0, xlim)) p <- p+facet_grid(Sthetac ~ Sic+Swhichc+l)+labs(y="Iterated backward error")+labs(x="Solver iter.")+guides(color=guide_legend(title="k"))+scale_color_gradient(low = "blue", high = "red") p <- p + theme(legend.position="bottom","horizontal",legend.direction="horizontal")+theme(text = element_text(size = 10))+theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1)) if(z==1){ggsave(paste("../LD",paste(j,"IBA.pdf",sep=""),sep=""), plot = p, width = 8, height = 6)} if(z==2){ggsave(paste("../MD",paste(j,"IBA.pdf",sep=""),sep=""), plot = p, width = 8, height = 6)} if(z==1){ggsave(paste("../LD",paste(j,"IBA.png",sep=""),sep=""), plot = p, width = 8, height = 6)} if(z==2){ggsave(paste("../MD",paste(j,"IBA.png",sep=""),sep=""), plot = p, width = 8, height = 6)} } setwd("../../../../") print(getwd()) }
library(ggplot2) args <- commandArgs(trailingOnly = TRUE) rep = paste("./",args[1],sep="") V_REP = c(paste(rep,"/ITE/A0/1E2/WgivenFalse/",sep=""), paste(rep,"/ITE/A1/1E2/WgivenFalse/",sep=""), paste(rep,"/ITE/A2/1E2/WgivenFalse/",sep=""), paste(rep,"/ITE/A3/1E2/WgivenFalse/",sep=""), paste(rep,"/ITE/A4/1E2/WgivenFalse/",sep=""), paste(rep,"/ITE/A2/1E4/WgivenFalse/",sep=""), paste(rep,"/ITE/A3/1E4/WgivenFalse/",sep=""), paste(rep,"/ITE/A4/1E4/WgivenFalse/",sep=""), paste(rep,"/ITE/A2/1E6/WgivenFalse/",sep=""), paste(rep,"/ITE/A3/1E6/WgivenFalse/",sep=""), paste(rep,"/ITE/A4/1E6/WgivenFalse/",sep="")) ARG1 = c("S0", "S1", "S2", "S3") ARG1 = c("S1", "S2", "S3") ARG2 = c("LD", "MD", "LMD") ARG3 = c(args[2]) V_FILE <- "" V_OUT <- "" V_PNG <- "" list <- "" t = 1; z = 1 for(z in 1:length(V_REP)){ t = 1 for(i in ARG1){ a = paste("*", i, sep="_") a2 = i if(i == "S3"){ARG22 = ARG2} if(i != "S3"){ARG22 = c("LD")} for(j in ARG22){ b = paste(a, j, sep="-") b2 = paste(a2, j, sep="-") for(k in ARG3){ c = paste(b, k, sep="-") c2 = paste(b2, k, sep="-") V_FILE[t] = paste(c, ".csv", sep="") V_OUT[t] = paste(c2, ".csv", sep="") V_PNG[t] = paste(c2, ".pdf", sep="") t = t+1 system(command = paste(paste(paste("cat", V_REP[z],sep=" "), V_FILE[t-1], sep=""), paste(">",paste(V_REP[z],V_OUT[t-1],sep=""),sep=" "), sep=" "), intern=TRUE) system(command = paste(paste("rm", V_REP[z],sep=" "), V_FILE[t-1], sep=""), intern = TRUE) } } } } iliste = 0 for(IV_REP in V_REP){ ip = 0; iliste = iliste + 1; dall <- 0 for(IV_OUT in V_OUT){ ip = ip + 1 # Read Data: filen = paste(IV_REP, IV_OUT, sep="") df3 = read.csv(file = filen) ite <- 0; ba <- 0.0; r <- 0.0; de <- 0.0; kw <- 0; s <- 0; enum <- 0; Si <-0; Swhich <- 0; Stheta <- 0; cpt <- 0 dimi1 = 1; dimi2 = length(df3$iterations); dimj = dimi2; dim = dimi2 ns = max(df3$enum) z = 0; t = 1; i = 1; maxrun = 3; val = 0 for(k in seq(0, ns, by=maxrun)){ z = 0 ite <- 0; ba <- 0.0; r <- 0.0; de <- 0.0; kw <- 0; s <- 0; enum <- 0; Si <-0; Swhich <- 0; Stheta <- 0 for(i in dimi1:dimi2){ if( (df3$s[i] == k & k==0) | (df3$enum[i] %in% seq(k-maxrun+1,k,by=1)) ){ ite[z+1] = df3$iterations[i]; ba[z+1] = df3$backward_error[i] de[z+1] = df3$direct_error[i]; r[z+1] = df3$approx_backward[i] kw[z+1] = df3$k[i]; s[z+1] = df3$s[i]; enum[z+1] = val #df3$enum[i] Si[z+1] = df3$Si[i]; Swhich[z+1] = df3$which[i]; Stheta[z+1] = df3$theta[i] z = z + 1 } }# end i val = val + 1 z = length(s) itec = 0 * seq(1, z, 1) - 1 bac = 0.0*itec; rc = bac; dec = bac; kwc = itec; sc = itec; enumc = itec Sic = itec; Swhichc = itec; Sthetac = bac cpt = 0*seq(1, z, 1) # *Mean in Group(enum) t = 1; i = 1 while(i <= z){ if((ite[i] %in% itec) == FALSE){ for(j in i:z){ if(ite[j] == ite[i]){ itec[t] = ite[i] bac[t] = bac[t] + ba[j]; rc[t] = rc[t] + r[j]; dec[t] = dec[t] + de[j] kwc[t] = kw[i]; sc[t] = s[i]; enumc[t] = enum[i] Sic[t] = Si[i]; Swhichc[t] = Swhich[i]; Sthetac[t] = Stheta[i] cpt[t] = cpt[t] + 1 }#end if }#end j t = t + 1 }#end if i = i + 1 }#end while ierr = 1 while(itec[ierr] > -1){ ierr = ierr + 1 }#end while ierr = ierr - 1 # **Delate if -1 itec = itec[1:ierr] bac = bac[1:ierr]; rc = rc[1:ierr]; dec = dec[1:ierr] kwc = kwc[1:ierr]; sc = sc[1:ierr]; enumc = enumc[1:ierr] Sic = Sic[1:ierr]; Swhichc = Swhichc[1:ierr]; Sthetac = Sthetac[1:ierr] cpt = cpt[1:ierr] # **Compute mean bac = bac/cpt; rc = rc/cpt; dec = dec/cpt # *Create data frame with group(s) #dff <- data.frame(itec, bac, rc, dec, kwc, sc) if(k == 0){ df = data.frame(itec, bac, rc, dec, kwc, sc, enumc, Sic, Swhichc, Sthetac) }else{df = rbind(df, data.frame(itec, bac, rc, dec, kwc, sc, enumc, Sic, Swhichc, Sthetac))} }#end k #pname = paste(IV_REP, V_PNG[ip], sep="") if(ip==1){ dall = df }else{dall = rbind(dall, df)} #print(dall) #write.csv(df, filen) list[iliste] = filen #p <- ggplot(data = df, aes(x=itec, y=bac,color=kwc, group=enumc))+geom_line()+scale_color_gradient(low = "blue", high = "red")+scale_y_continuous(trans='log2') #ggsave(pname, plot = p, width = 11, height = 8) } write.csv(dall, paste(IV_REP,"R.csv",sep="")) }
library(ggplot2) args <- commandArgs(trailingOnly = TRUE) rep = paste("./",args[1],sep="") V_REP = c(paste(rep,"/ITE/A2/1E2/WgivenFalse/",sep=""), paste(rep,"/ITE/A3/1E2/WgivenFalse/",sep=""), paste(rep,"/ITE/A4/1E2/WgivenFalse/",sep=""), paste(rep,"/ITE/A2/1E4/WgivenFalse/",sep=""), paste(rep,"/ITE/A3/1E4/WgivenFalse/",sep=""), paste(rep,"/ITE/A4/1E4/WgivenFalse/",sep=""), paste(rep,"/ITE/A2/1E6/WgivenFalse/",sep=""), paste(rep,"/ITE/A3/1E6/WgivenFalse/",sep=""), paste(rep,"/ITE/A4/1E6/WgivenFalse/",sep="")) ARG1 = c("S3") ARG2 = c("LD", "MD", "LMD") ARG3 = c(args[2]) V_FILE <- "" V_OUT <- "" V_PNG <- "" list <- "" t = 1; z = 1 for(z in 1:length(V_REP)){ t = 1 for(i in ARG1){ a = paste("*", i, sep="_") a2 = i if(i == "S3"){ARG22 = ARG2} if(i != "S3"){ARG22 = c("LD")} for(j in ARG22){ b = paste(a, j, sep="-") b2 = paste(a2, j, sep="-") for(k in ARG3){ c = paste(b, k, sep="-") c2 = paste(b2, k, sep="-") V_FILE[t] = paste(c, ".csv", sep="") V_OUT[t] = paste(c2, ".csv", sep="") V_PNG[t] = paste(c2, ".pdf", sep="") t = t+1 system(command = paste(paste(paste("cat", V_REP[z],sep=" "), V_FILE[t-1], sep=""), paste(">",paste(V_REP[z],V_OUT[t-1],sep=""),sep=" "), sep=" "), intern=TRUE) system(command = paste(paste("rm", V_REP[z],sep=" "), V_FILE[t-1], sep=""), intern = TRUE) } } } } iliste = 0 for(IV_REP in V_REP){ ip = 0; iliste = iliste + 1; dall <- 0 for(IV_OUT in V_OUT){ ip = ip + 1 # Read Data: filen = paste(IV_REP, IV_OUT, sep="") df3 = read.csv(file = filen) ite <- 0; ba <- 0.0; r <- 0.0; de <- 0.0; kw <- 0; s <- 0; enum <- 0; Si <-0; Swhich <- 0; Stheta <- 0; cpt <- 0 dimi1 = 1; dimi2 = length(df3$iterations); dimj = dimi2; dim = dimi2 ns = max(df3$enum) z = 0; t = 1; i = 1; maxrun = 3; val = 0 for(k in seq(0, ns, by=maxrun)){ z = 0 ite <- 0; ba <- 0.0; r <- 0.0; de <- 0.0; kw <- 0; s <- 0; enum <- 0; Si <-0; Swhich <- 0; Stheta <- 0 for(i in dimi1:dimi2){ if( (df3$s[i] == k & k==0) | (df3$enum[i] %in% seq(k-maxrun+1,k,by=1)) ){ ite[z+1] = df3$iterations[i]; ba[z+1] = df3$backward_error[i] de[z+1] = df3$direct_error[i]; r[z+1] = df3$approx_backward[i] kw[z+1] = df3$k[i]; s[z+1] = df3$s[i]; enum[z+1] = val #df3$enum[i] Si[z+1] = df3$Si[i]; Swhich[z+1] = df3$which[i]; Stheta[z+1] = df3$theta[i] z = z + 1 } }# end i val = val + 1 z = length(s) itec = 0 * seq(1, z, 1) - 1 bac = 0.0*itec; rc = bac; dec = bac; kwc = itec; sc = itec; enumc = itec Sic = itec; Swhichc = itec; Sthetac = bac cpt = 0*seq(1, z, 1) # *Mean in Group(enum) t = 1; i = 1 while(i <= z){ if((ite[i] %in% itec) == FALSE){ for(j in i:z){ if(ite[j] == ite[i]){ itec[t] = ite[i] bac[t] = bac[t] + ba[j]; rc[t] = rc[t] + r[j]; dec[t] = dec[t] + de[j] kwc[t] = kw[i]; sc[t] = s[i]; enumc[t] = enum[i] Sic[t] = Si[i]; Swhichc[t] = Swhich[i]; Sthetac[t] = Stheta[i] cpt[t] = cpt[t] + 1 }#end if }#end j t = t + 1 }#end if i = i + 1 }#end while ierr = 1 while(itec[ierr] > -1){ ierr = ierr + 1 }#end while ierr = ierr - 1 # **Delate if -1 itec = itec[1:ierr] bac = bac[1:ierr]; rc = rc[1:ierr]; dec = dec[1:ierr] kwc = kwc[1:ierr]; sc = sc[1:ierr]; enumc = enumc[1:ierr] Sic = Sic[1:ierr]; Swhichc = Swhichc[1:ierr]; Sthetac = Sthetac[1:ierr] cpt = cpt[1:ierr] # **Compute mean bac = bac/cpt; rc = rc/cpt; dec = dec/cpt # *Create data frame with group(s) #dff <- data.frame(itec, bac, rc, dec, kwc, sc) if(k == 0){ df = data.frame(itec, bac, rc, dec, kwc, sc, enumc, Sic, Swhichc, Sthetac) }else{df = rbind(df, data.frame(itec, bac, rc, dec, kwc, sc, enumc, Sic, Swhichc, Sthetac))} }#end k #pname = paste(IV_REP, V_PNG[ip], sep="") if(ip==1){ dall = df }else{dall = rbind(dall, df)} #print(dall) #write.csv(df, filen) list[iliste] = filen #p <- ggplot(data = df, aes(x=itec, y=bac,color=kwc, group=enumc))+geom_line()+scale_color_gradient(low = "blue", high = "red")+scale_y_continuous(trans='log2') #ggsave(pname, plot = p, width = 11, height = 8) } write.csv(dall, paste(IV_REP,"R.csv",sep="")) }
library(ggplot2) args <- commandArgs(trailingOnly = TRUE) rep = paste("./",args[1],sep="") V_REP1 = c(paste(rep,"/ITE/A2/L/",sep=""), paste(rep,"/ITE/A3/L/",sep=""), paste(rep,"/ITE/A4/L/",sep="")) V_REP = matrix(c(V_REP1), nrow=1, ncol=3, byrow=TRUE) A_FILE = c("A2", "A3", "A4") pp <- 0 print(getwd()) for(j in 1:3){ setwd(V_REP[1,j]) print(getwd()) liste = dir() print(liste) ns = length(liste) for(ifn in 1:ns){ print(liste[ifn]) dff=read.csv(liste[ifn]) if(ifn == 1){df = read.csv(liste[ifn])} else{df = rbind(df, dff)} } df <- subset(df, Sic != "S1") df <- subset(df, Sic != "S2") xlim = 0 for(ik in 1:length(df$kwc)){if(df$kwc[ik]==0){xlim =max(xlim,df$itec[ik])}} xlim = xlim + 2 #df$lt <- 0 #for(ik in 1:length(df$kwc)){if(df$kwc[ik]==1){df$lt[ik]=1};if(df$kwc[ik]==1){df$lt[ik]=2};if(df$kwc[ik]==3){df$lt[ik]=3};if(df$kwc[ik]==4){df$lt[ik]=4}} for(z in 1:2){ if(z==1){df1 <- subset(df, Swhichc != "LMD");df1 <- subset(df1, Swhichc != "MD");dff <- df1} if(z==2){df2 <- subset(df, Swhichc != "LMD");df2 <- subset(df2, Swhichc != "LD");dff <- df2} dff$s =dff$sc #BACKWARD ERROR p <- ggplot(data = dff, aes(x=itec, y=bac, color=s, group=enumc))+geom_line()+scale_y_continuous(limits=c(1E-16, 1),trans='log2', breaks=c(1,1E-4,1E-8,1E-12,1E-15))+ scale_x_continuous(limits=c(0, xlim)) p <- p+facet_grid(Sthetac ~ Sic+Swhichc+l)+labs(y="Backward error")+labs(x="Solver iter.")+scale_color_gradient(low = "blue", high = "red") p <- p + theme(legend.position="bottom","horizontal",legend.direction="horizontal")+theme(text = element_text(size = 10))+theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1)) if(z==1){ggsave(paste("../LD",paste(j,"BA.pdf",sep=""),sep=""), plot = p, width = 8, height = 6)} if(z==2){ggsave(paste("../MD",paste(j,"BA.pdf",sep=""),sep=""), plot = p, width = 8, height = 6)} if(z==1){ggsave(paste("../LD",paste(j,"BA.png",sep=""),sep=""), plot = p, width = 8, height = 6)} if(z==2){ggsave(paste("../MD",paste(j,"BA.png",sep=""),sep=""), plot = p, width = 8, height = 6)} #DIRECT ERROR p <- ggplot(data = dff, aes(x=itec, y=dec, color=s, group=enumc))+geom_line()+scale_y_continuous(limits=c(1E-16, 1),trans='log2', breaks=c(1,1E-4,1E-8,1E-13))+ scale_x_continuous(limits=c(0, xlim)) p <- p+facet_grid(Sthetac ~ Sic+Swhichc+l)+labs(y="Direct error (A-norm)")+labs(x="Solver iter.")+scale_color_gradient(low = "blue", high = "red") p <- p + theme(legend.position="bottom","horizontal",legend.direction="horizontal")+theme(text = element_text(size = 10))+theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1)) if(z==1){ggsave(paste("../LD",paste(j,"DE.pdf",sep=""),sep=""), plot = p, width = 8, height = 6)} if(z==2){ggsave(paste("../MD",paste(j,"DE.pdf",sep=""),sep=""), plot = p, width = 8, height = 6)} if(z==1){ggsave(paste("../LD",paste(j,"DE.png",sep=""),sep=""), plot = p, width = 8, height = 6)} if(z==2){ggsave(paste("../MD",paste(j,"DE.png",sep=""),sep=""), plot = p, width = 8, height = 6)} #ITERATED BACKWARD ERROR p <- ggplot(data = dff, aes(x=itec, y=rc, color=s, group=enumc))+geom_line()+scale_y_continuous(limits=c(1E-16, 1),trans='log2', breaks=c(1,1E-4,1E-8,1E-12,1E-15))+ scale_x_continuous(limits=c(0, xlim)) p <- p+facet_grid(Sthetac ~ Sic+Swhichc+l)+labs(y="Iterated backward error")+labs(x="Solver iter.")+scale_color_gradient(low = "blue", high = "red") p <- p + theme(legend.position="bottom","horizontal",legend.direction="horizontal")+theme(text = element_text(size = 10))+theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1)) if(z==1){ggsave(paste("../LD",paste(j,"IBA.pdf",sep=""),sep=""), plot = p, width = 8, height = 6)} if(z==2){ggsave(paste("../MD",paste(j,"IBA.pdf",sep=""),sep=""), plot = p, width = 8, height = 6)} if(z==1){ggsave(paste("../LD",paste(j,"IBA.png",sep=""),sep=""), plot = p, width = 8, height = 6)} if(z==2){ggsave(paste("../MD",paste(j,"IBA.png",sep=""),sep=""), plot = p, width = 8, height = 6)} } setwd("../../../../") print(getwd()) }
library(ggplot2) args <- commandArgs(trailingOnly = TRUE) rep = paste("./",args[3],sep="") rep2 = paste(paste("./",args[3],sep=""),"/ITE/",sep="") outfn1 = paste(paste("L_",args[1],sep=""),args[2],sep="_") V_REP1 = c(paste(rep,"/ITE/A2/1E2/WgivenFalse/",sep=""), paste(rep,"/ITE/A2/1E4/WgivenFalse/",sep=""), paste(rep,"/ITE/A2/1E6/WgivenFalse/",sep="")) V_REP2 = c(paste(rep,"/ITE/A3/1E2/WgivenFalse/",sep=""), paste(rep,"/ITE/A3/1E4/WgivenFalse/",sep=""), paste(rep,"/ITE/A3/1E6/WgivenFalse/",sep="")) V_REP3 = c(paste(rep,"/ITE/A4/1E2/WgivenFalse/",sep=""), paste(rep,"/ITE/A4/1E4/WgivenFalse/",sep=""), paste(rep,"/ITE/A4/1E6/WgivenFalse/",sep="")) V_REP = matrix(c(V_REP1, V_REP2, V_REP3), nrow=3, ncol=3, byrow=TRUE) A_FILE = c("A2", "A3", "A4") dall <- 0 for(i in 1:3){ for(j in 1:3 ){ r = V_REP[i, j]; fn = paste(r, "R.csv",sep=""); dfff = read.csv(fn) if(j==1){dall = read.csv(fn)}else{dall = rbind(dall, dfff)} } ik=1;for(ij in dall$Sic){if(ij==1){dall$Sic[ik]="S1"};if(ij==2){dall$Sic[ik]="S2"};if(ij==3){dall$Sic[ik]="S3"};ik = ik + 1} ik=1;for(ij in dall$Swhichc){if(ij==1){dall$Swhichc[ik]="LD"};if(ij==2){dall$Swhichc[ik]="MD"};if(ij==3){dall$Swhichc[ik]="LMD"};ik = ik + 1} ik=1;for(ij in dall$Sthetac){if(ij==1){dall$Sthetac[ik]="1E2"};if(ij==2){dall$Sthetac[ik]="1E4"};if(ij==3){dall$Sthetac[ik]="1E6"};ik = ik + 1} outfn = paste(paste(paste("L_",args[1],sep=""),args[2],sep="_"),".csv",sep="") print(outfn) dall$l = paste(args[1],args[2],sep=" - ") for(ik in 1:length(dall$l)){if(dall$Sic[ik]=="S1" | dall$Sic[ik]=="S2"){dall$l[ik]="-"}} write.csv(dall, paste(paste(rep2,A_FILE[i],sep=""),outfn,sep="/L/")) xlim = 0 for(ik in 1:length(dall$kwc)){if(dall$kwc[ik]==0){xlim =max(xlim,dall$itec[ik])}} xlim = xlim + 2 dall$lt <- 0 for(ik in 1:length(dall$kwc)){if(dall$kwc[ik]==1){dall$lt[ik]=1};if(dall$kwc[ik]==2){dall$lt[ik]=2};if(dall$kwc[ik]==3){dall$lt[ik]=3};if(dall$kwc[ik]==4){dall$lt[ik]=4}} dall$s = dall$sc for(iz in 1:2){ #p <- ggplot(data = dall, aes(x=itec, y=bac, color=factor(kwc), group=enumc))+geom_line()+scale_y_continuous(trans='log2') #p <- p+facet_grid(Sthetac ~ Sic + Swhichc)+labs(y="backward error")+labs(x="solver iter.")+guides(color=guide_legend(title="k")) #BACKWARD ERROR: p <- ggplot(data = dall, aes(x=itec, y=bac, color=s, group=enumc))+geom_line()+scale_y_continuous(limits=c(1E-16, 1),trans='log2', breaks=c(1,1E-4,1E-8,1E-12,1E-15))+ scale_x_continuous(limits=c(0, xlim)) p <- p+facet_grid(Sthetac ~ Sic + Swhichc+ l)+labs(y="Backward error")+labs(x="Solver iter.")+scale_color_gradient(low = "blue", high = "red") p <- p + theme(legend.position="bottom","horizontal",legend.direction="horizontal")+theme(text = element_text(size = 10))+theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1)) if(iz==2){ r = paste(paste(paste(rep2,A_FILE[i],sep=""),paste("/ZOOM","BA",sep="_"),sep=""),paste(paste(A_FILE[i],outfn1,sep="_"),".pdf",sep=""),sep="_") p <- p + scale_x_continuous(limits=c(0, 7))+ scale_y_continuous(trans='log2', breaks=c(1,1E-4,1E-8,1E-12,1E-15)) }else{r = paste(paste(paste(rep2,A_FILE[i],sep=""),"/BA",sep=""),paste(paste(A_FILE[i],outfn1,sep="_"),".pdf",sep=""),sep="_")} ggsave(r, plot = p, width = 8, height = 6) if(iz==2){ r = paste(paste(paste(rep2,A_FILE[i],sep=""),paste("/ZOOM","BA",sep="_"),sep=""),paste(paste(A_FILE[i],outfn1,sep="_"),".png",sep=""),sep="_") p <- p + scale_x_continuous(limits=c(0, 7))+ scale_y_continuous(trans='log2', breaks=c(1,1E-4,1E-8,1E-12,1E-15)) }else{r = paste(paste(paste(rep2,A_FILE[i],sep=""),"/BA",sep=""),paste(paste(A_FILE[i],outfn1,sep="_"),".png",sep=""),sep="_")} ggsave(r, plot = p, width = 8, height = 6) #DIRECT ERROR (A-NORM): p <- ggplot(data = dall, aes(x=itec, y=dec, color=s, group=enumc))+geom_line()+scale_y_continuous(trans='log2', breaks=c(1,1E-4,1E-8,1E-13))+ scale_x_continuous(limits=c(0, xlim)) p <- p+facet_grid(Sthetac ~ Sic + Swhichc + l)+labs(y="Direct error (A-norm)")+labs(x="Solver iter.")+scale_color_gradient(low = "blue", high = "red") p <- p + theme(legend.position="bottom","horizontal",legend.direction="horizontal")+theme(text = element_text(size = 10))+theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1)) if(iz==2){ r = paste(paste(paste(rep2,A_FILE[i],sep=""),paste("/ZOOM","DE",sep="_"),sep=""),paste(paste(A_FILE[i],outfn1,sep="_"),".pdf",sep=""),sep="_") p <- p + scale_x_continuous(limits=c(0, 5))+ scale_y_continuous(trans='log2', breaks=c(1,1E-4,1E-8,1E-13)) }else{r = paste(paste(paste(rep2,A_FILE[i],sep=""),"/DE",sep=""),paste(paste(A_FILE[i],outfn1,sep="_"),".pdf",sep=""),sep="_")} ggsave(r, plot = p, width = 8, height = 6) if(iz==2){ r = paste(paste(paste(rep2,A_FILE[i],sep=""),paste("/ZOOM","DE",sep="_"),sep=""),paste(paste(A_FILE[i],outfn1,sep="_"),".png",sep=""),sep="_") p <- p + scale_x_continuous(limits=c(0, 5))+ scale_y_continuous(trans='log2', breaks=c(1,1E-4,1E-8,1E-13)) }else{r = paste(paste(paste(rep2,A_FILE[i],sep=""),"/DE",sep=""),paste(paste(A_FILE[i],outfn1,sep="_"),".png",sep=""),sep="_")} ggsave(r, plot = p, width = 8, height = 6) #ITERATED BACKWARD ERROR: p <- ggplot(data = dall, aes(x=itec, y=rc, color=s, group=enumc))+geom_line()+scale_y_continuous(trans='log2', breaks=c(1,1E-4,1E-8,1E-12,1E-15))+ scale_x_continuous(limits=c(0, xlim)) p <- p+facet_grid(Sthetac ~ Sic + Swhichc + l)+labs(y="Iterated bacward error")+labs(x="Solver iter.")+scale_color_gradient(low = "blue", high = "red") p <- p + theme(legend.position="bottom","horizontal",legend.direction="horizontal")+theme(text = element_text(size = 10))+theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1)) if(iz==2){ r = paste(paste(paste(rep2,A_FILE[i],sep=""),paste("/ZOOM","IBA",sep="_"),sep=""),paste(paste(A_FILE[i],outfn1,sep="_"),".pdf",sep=""),sep="_") p <- p + scale_x_continuous(limits=c(0, 5))+ scale_y_continuous(trans='log2', breaks=c(1,1E-4,1E-8,1E-12,1E-15)) }else{r = paste(paste(paste(rep2,A_FILE[i],sep=""),"/IBA",sep=""),paste(paste(A_FILE[i],outfn1,sep="_"),".pdf",sep=""),sep="_")} ggsave(r, plot = p, width = 8, height = 6) if(iz==2){ r = paste(paste(paste(rep2,A_FILE[i],sep=""),paste("/ZOOM","IBA",sep="_"),sep=""),paste(paste(A_FILE[i],outfn1,sep="_"),".png",sep=""),sep="_") p <- p + scale_x_continuous(limits=c(0, 5))+ scale_y_continuous(trans='log2', breaks=c(1,1E-4,1E-8,1E-12,1E-15)) }else{r = paste(paste(paste(rep2,A_FILE[i],sep=""),"/IBA",sep=""),paste(paste(A_FILE[i],outfn1,sep="_"),".png",sep=""),sep="_")} ggsave(r, plot = p, width = 8, height = 6) } }
import numpy as np import scipy.linalg as la import os
def csv_cg(ite, data, filen, tags=None): """Used to store in a csv format data during CG. data : iteration backward_error approx_backward direct_error W s Wgiven Si """ tags = ["A", "0", "N", "EXP", "1", "1", "0", "0"] if tags is None else tags header = 'iterations, backward_error, approx_backward, direct_error, k, s, enum, Si, which, theta' REP = "./"+tags[3]+"/ITE/"+tags[0]+"/"+tags[2]+"/Wgiven"+str(data[6])+"/" os.makedirs(REP, exist_ok=True) os.makedirs("./"+tags[3]+"/ITE/"+tags[0]+"/L/", exist_ok=True) nk = 0 if data[4] is None else data[4].shape[1] T1=0;T2=0 if(tags[6]=='S0'):T1=0 if(tags[6]=='S1'):T1=1 if(tags[6]=='S2'):T1=2 if(tags[6]=='S3'):T1=3 if(tags[7]=='LD'):T2=1 if(tags[7]=='MD'):T2=2 if(tags[7]=='LMD'):T2=3 if ite == 0 and data[5] == 1 and tags[1] == "1" and tags[4] == "1": F = open(REP+tags[1]+"_"+filen,"w",newline="\n"); strF = str(data[0])+", "+str(data[1])+", "+str(data[2])+", "+str(data[3])+", "+str(nk)+", "+str(data[5])+", "+tags[5]+", "+str(T1)+", "+str(T2)+", "+tags[2]; F.write(header+"\n"); F.write(strF+"\n"); F.close(); else: F = open(REP+tags[1]+"_"+filen,"a",newline="\n"); strF = str(data[0])+", "+str(data[1])+", "+str(data[2])+", "+str(data[3])+", "+str(nk)+", "+str(data[5])+", "+tags[5]+", "+str(T1)+", "+str(T2)+", "+tags[2]; F.write(strF+"\n"); F.close(); return None
def csv_eigen(A, W, TEval, TEvec, strat, tags=None): """Used to strore in csv format eigen residual Parameters: ----------- A: Matrix-like object, the linear operator W: Matrix-like object, Approximate eigenspace TEval: List, true eigen values of A TEvec: Matrix-like obkect, True eigen vectors of A strat: List, parameters of cg-def Tags: List, [str(Matrix-name),str(int)] Header: '# cols number of W corresponding one in TEvec s Rayleigh Quotient Eigen Residual Sin<(wi,TEveci) ' """ if W is None: return None tags = ["A", "0", "N", "EXP", "1", "1", "0", "0"] if tags is None else tags header = 'i, a, s, WRQ, WEQ, SinW, A, SI, part, L, k, theta' REP = "./"+tags[3]+"/EIGEN/"+tags[0]+"/"+tags[2]+"/Wgiven"+str(strat[0])+"/" os.makedirs(REP, exist_ok=True) filen = REP+strat[5] + "-" + strat[7]+"-"+"dense"+"-"+str(strat[9])+".csv" if strat[6] == 1: if tags[1] == "1": os.makedirs("./"+tags[3]+"/EIGEN/"+tags[0]+"/"+tags[2]+"/", exist_ok=True) F = open("./"+tags[3]+"/EIGEN/"+tags[0]+"/"+tags[2]+"/"+"TrueEigenVals_n_"+str(len(TEval))+".csv", "w", newline="\n") F.write("i, len, eval"+"\n") for i in range(len(TEval)): F.write(str(i)+", "+str(len(TEval))+", "+str(TEval[i])+"\n") F.close() if tags[1] == "1" and tags[6] == "S1" and tags[7] == "LD": F = open(filen, "w", newline="\n") F.write(header+"\n") F.close() F = open(filen, "a", newline="\n") for i in range(W.shape[1]): WRQ = np.asscalar( (W[...,i:i+1].T@A@W[...,i:i+1])/(W[...,i:i+1].T@W[...,i:i+1]) ) WEQ = la.norm(A@W[...,i:i+1]-WRQ*W[...,i:i+1]) S1 = 10.0; S2 = 0.0 ; a = 0 for k in range(TEvec.shape[1]): C1 = np.asscalar( ( TEvec[...,k:k+1].T@W[...,i:i+1] )/( la.norm(W[...,i:i+1])*la.norm(TEvec[...,k:k+1]) ) ) S2 = np.sqrt(np.abs(1-C1*C1)) if S2 <= S1: a = k; S1 = S2 F.write( str(i)+", "+str(a)+", "+str(strat[6])+", "+str(WRQ)+", "+str(WEQ)+", "+str(S1)+", "+tags[0]+", "+tags[6]+", "+tags[7]+", "+str(strat[2])+"-"+str(strat[3])+", "+str(W.shape[1])+", "+tags[2]+"\n" ) F.close() return None
def lanczos_RR(A, teve, tever, nk, Aname, Stheta, L=None, b=None, maxiter=None, reortho=None): """Compute and return Vm and Tm such that Tm = Vm.T@A@Vm via Lanczos iteration. A: a matrix object-like b: a vector object-like randomly set if is None maxiter: integer, the number of iterations to perform, set to A.shape[0] if is None reortho: default false, if True compute a reorthogonalization of Vm This function return Vm,Tm """ header = 'iterations, WQRR, WERR, WSRR, WQHR, WEHR, WSHR, A, theta' header = 'iterations, VAL, WVAL, RHR, A, theta' REP = "./LANCZOS/" if L is None else "./LANCZOS/L/" os.makedirs(REP, exist_ok=True) #WVAL = ["WQRR", "WERR", "WSRR", "WQHR", "WEHR", "WSHR"] WVAL = ["Q", "E", "S", "Q", "E", "S"] WVAL2 = [3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4] maxiter = A.shape[1] if maxiter is None else maxiter b = A@np.random.rand(1,maxiter).T if b is None else b reortho = False if reortho is None else reortho filen = REP+"n_"+str(A.shape[1])+"_k_"+str(nk)+"_" if reortho == False: filen = filen+"NoReortho"+".csv" else: filen = filen+"Reortho"+".csv" if Aname == "A0" and Stheta == "1E2": F = open(filen, "w", newline="\n") F.write(header+"\n") else: F = open(filen, "a", newline="\n") m = maxiter Ta = np.zeros(m) Tb = np.zeros(m) v = b / la.norm(b) Vm = np.vstack((v)) r = A @ v alpha = v.T@r Ta[0] = alpha r = r - alpha * v beta = la.norm(r) Tm = ( np.diag(Ta[0:1], 0) ) #Compute Eigenvalues lT and Eigenvectors of Tm: lT, gT = la.eigh(Tm) #Compute Eigenpair (RR): RR = Vm @ gT WQRR = np.asscalar( (RR.T@A@RR)/(RR.T@RR) ) WERR = la.norm(A @ RR - WQRR * RR) WSRR = 11.25 for ik in range(tever.shape[1]): CC = np.asscalar((tever[...,ik:ik+1].T@RR)/(la.norm(RR)*la.norm(tever[...,ik:ik+1]))) WSRR = min(np.sqrt(np.abs(1.0-CC*CC)), WSRR) #Solve Harmonic-Rayleigh Ritz Eigenvalue Pb: G = ((A@Vm).T)@(A@Vm) Lambda, tildW = la.eigh(a=G, b=Tm, lower=True, eigvals_only=False, overwrite_a=False, overwrite_b=False, type=1, check_finite=True) #Compute Eigenpair (HR): HR = Vm @ tildW WQHR = np.asscalar( (HR.T@A@HR)/(HR.T@HR) ) WEHR = la.norm(A @ HR - WQHR * HR) WSHR = 11.25 for ik in range(tever.shape[1]): CC = np.asscalar((tever[...,ik:ik+1].T@HR)/(la.norm(HR)*la.norm(tever[...,ik:ik+1]))) WSHR = min(np.sqrt(np.abs(1.0-CC*CC)), WSHR) #F.write(str(1)+", "+str(WQRR)+", "+str(WERR)+", "+str(WSRR)+", "+str(WQHR)+", "+str(WEHR)+", "+str(WSHR)+", "+Aname+", "+Stheta+"\n") VAL = [WQRR,WERR,WSRR,WQHR,WEHR, WSHR] for I_WVAL in range(len(WVAL)): F.write(str(1)+", "+str(VAL[I_WVAL])+", "+WVAL[I_WVAL]+", "+str(WVAL2[I_WVAL])+", "+Aname+", "+Stheta+"\n") for j in range(2, m+1, 1): Tb[j-2] = beta w = v v = r / beta Vm = np.hstack((Vm,v)) r = A @ v - beta * w alpha = v.T @ r Ta[j-1] = alpha Tm = (np.diag(Ta[0:j],0) + np.diag(Tb[0:j-1],-1) + np.diag(Tb[0:j-1],+1)) r = r - alpha * v if reortho == True: r = r - Vm @ (Vm.T @ r) beta = la.norm(r) if L is None: #Compute Eigenvalues lT and Eigenvectors of Tm: lT, gT = la.eigh(Tm) #Solve Harmonic-Rayleigh Ritz Eigenvalue Pb: G = ((A@Vm).T)@(A@Vm) Lambda, tildW = la.eigh(a=G, b=Tm, lower=True, eigvals_only=False, overwrite_a=False, overwrite_b=False, type=1, check_finite=True) for im in range(Tm.shape[1]): #Compute Eigenpair (RR): RR = Vm @ gT[...,im:im+1] WQRR = np.asscalar( (RR.T@A@RR)/(RR.T@RR) ) WERR = la.norm(A @ RR - WQRR * RR) WSRR = 11.25 for ik in range(tever.shape[1]): CC = np.asscalar((tever[...,ik:ik+1].T@RR)/(la.norm(RR)*la.norm(tever[...,ik:ik+1]))) WSRR = min(np.sqrt(np.abs(1.0-CC*CC)), WSRR) if WSRR == 0: WSRR = 1e-8 #Compute Eigenpair (HR): HR = Vm @ tildW[...,im:im+1] WQHR = np.asscalar( (HR.T@A@HR)/(HR.T@HR) ) WEHR = la.norm(A @ HR - WQHR * HR) WSHR = 11.25 for ik in range(tever.shape[1]): CC = np.asscalar((tever[...,ik:ik+1].T@HR)/(la.norm(HR)*la.norm(tever[...,ik:ik+1]))) WSHR = min(np.sqrt(np.abs(1.0-CC*CC)), WSHR) if WSHR == 0: WSHR = 1e-8 #F.write(str(j)+", "+str(WQRR)+", "+str(WERR)+", "+str(WSRR)+", "+str(WQHR)+", "+str(WEHR)+", "+str(WSHR)+", "+Aname+", "+Stheta+"\n") VAL = [WQRR,WERR,WSRR,WQHR,WEHR, WSHR] for I_WVAL in range(len(WVAL)): F.write(str(j)+", "+str(VAL[I_WVAL])+", "+WVAL[I_WVAL]+", "+str(WVAL2[I_WVAL])+", "+Aname+", "+Stheta+"\n") elif j%L==0: T = Tm.copy(); V = Vm.copy() Tm = Tm[j-L:j,j-L:j]; Vm = Vm[...,j-L:j] #Compute Eigenvalues lT and Eigenvectors of Tm: lT, gT = la.eigh(Tm) #Solve Harmonic-Rayleigh Ritz Eigenvalue Pb: G = ((A@Vm).T)@(A@Vm) Lambda, tildW = la.eigh(a=G, b=Tm, lower=True, eigvals_only=False, overwrite_a=False, overwrite_b=False, type=1, check_finite=True) for im in range(Tm.shape[1]): #Compute Eigenpair (RR): RR = Vm @ gT[...,im:im+1] WQRR = np.asscalar( (RR.T@A@RR)/(RR.T@RR) ) WERR = la.norm(A @ RR - WQRR * RR) WSRR = 11.25 for ik in range(tever.shape[1]): CC = np.asscalar((tever[...,ik:ik+1].T@RR)/(la.norm(RR)*la.norm(tever[...,ik:ik+1]))) WSRR = min(np.sqrt(np.abs(1.0-CC*CC)), WSRR) if WSRR == 0: WSRR = 1e-8 #Compute Eigenpair (HR): HR = Vm @ tildW[...,im:im+1] WQHR = np.asscalar( (HR.T@A@HR)/(HR.T@HR) ) WEHR = la.norm(A @ HR - WQHR * HR) WSHR = 11.25 for ik in range(tever.shape[1]): CC = np.asscalar((tever[...,ik:ik+1].T@HR)/(la.norm(HR)*la.norm(tever[...,ik:ik+1]))) WSHR = min(np.sqrt(np.abs(1.0-CC*CC)), WSHR) if WSHR == 0: WSHR = 1e-8 #F.write(str(j)+", "+str(WQRR)+", "+str(WERR)+", "+str(WSRR)+", "+str(WQHR)+", "+str(WEHR)+", "+str(WSHR)+", "+Aname+", "+Stheta+"\n") VAL = [WQRR,WERR,WSRR,WQHR,WEHR, WSHR] for I_WVAL in range(len(WVAL)): F.write(str(j)+", "+str(VAL[I_WVAL])+", "+WVAL[I_WVAL]+", "+str(WVAL2[I_WVAL])+", "+Aname+", "+Stheta+"\n") Tm = T.copy(); Vm = V.copy() if beta == 0.0: for ida in range(len(teve)): F.write(str(j+2)+", "+str(teve[ida])+", "+WVAL[0]+", "+str(20)+", "+Aname+", "+Stheta+"\n") F.close() return Tm, Vm, filen for ida in range(len(teve)): F.write(str(j+2)+", "+str(teve[ida])+", "+WVAL[0]+", "+str(20)+", "+Aname+", "+Stheta+"\n") F.close() return Tm, Vm, filen
library(ggplot2) args <- commandArgs(trailingOnly = TRUE) fn = args[1] #df = read.csv(fn) dff = read.csv(fn) #A_FILE = c(" A0", " A1", " A2", " A3", " A4") #for(AF in A_FILE){ # file = paste(fn, paste("_facet_",AF, sep=""), sep="_") # dA <- subset(df, A==AF) # #dA <- subset(dA, theta==1E6) # p1 <- ggplot(data = dA, aes(x=iterations, y=VAL, color=VAL, group=RHR))+geom_point(shape=dA$RHR)#+scale_y_continuous(trans='log') # p1 <- p1 + facet_grid(theta ~ WVAL)+ labs(y=" ")+labs(x="Lanczos iter.")+scale_color_gradient(low = "blue", high = "red") # p1 <- p1 + theme(legend.position="bottom","horizontal",legend.direction="horizontal")+theme(text = element_text(size = 10))+theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1)) # r = paste(file,".pdf",sep="") # ggsave(r, plot = p1, width = 11, height = 8) #} #A_FILE = c(" A0", " A1", " A2", " A3", " A4") #ARG = c(" Q", " E", " S") #for(AF in A_FILE){ # file = paste(fn, AF, sep="_") # dA <- subset(dff, A==AF) # print(head(dA)) # for(i in ARG){ # file2 = paste(file, i, sep="_") # dAA <- subset(dA, WVAL==i) # p1 <- ggplot(data = dAA, aes(x=iterations, y=VAL, color=VAL, group=RHR))+geom_point(shape=dAA$RHR) # if((AF != " A0" & AF != " A1") | ((AF == " A0" | AF == " A1") & (i != " Q")) ){p1 <- p1 + scale_y_continuous(trans='log')} # p1 <- p1 + facet_grid(~ theta)+ labs(y=" ")+labs(x="Lanczos iter.")+scale_color_gradient(low = "blue", high = "red")#+ scale_y_continuous(limits=c(ymin, ymax)) # p1 <- p1 + theme(legend.position="bottom","horizontal",legend.direction="horizontal")+theme(text = element_text(size = 10))+theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1)) # r = paste(file2,".pdf",sep="") # ggsave(r, plot = p1, width = 11, height = 8) # } #} A_FILE = c(" A0", " A1", " A2", " A3", " A4") ARG = c(" Q", " E", " S") RHR = c("RR", "HR") for(AF in A_FILE){ file = paste(fn, AF, sep="_") dA <- subset(dff, A==AF) if(AF==" A0" | AF==" A1"){dA <- subset(dA, theta==1E2)} dA$Eigenvalue_Cluster <- 10 n = length(dA$VAL) if(AF==" A0"){c1 = 5; c2 = max(dA$iterations)-5} else if(AF==" A1"){c1 = 0.25; c2 = 1.25} else{c1 = 0.5; c2 = 1.50} for(ic in seq(1, n, by=1)){ if(dA$WVAL[ic]==" Q"){ if(dA$VAL[ic]>=c1 & dA$VAL[ic]<=c2){dA$Eigenvalue_Cluster[ic]="Centered"} else if(dA$VAL[ic]<c1){dA$Eigenvalue_Cluster[ic]="Least dominant"} else{dA$Eigenvalue_Cluster[ic]="Most dominant"} #dA$color[ic]=dA$VAL[ic] #;dA$color[ic+1]=dA$VAL[ic];dA$color[ic+2]=dA$VAL[ic] #dA$color[ic]=1;dA$color[ic+1]=1;dA$color[ic+2]=1 } else if(dA$WVAL[ic]==" E"){ dA$Eigenvalue_Cluster[ic]=dA$Eigenvalue_Cluster[ic-1] #dA$color[ic]=dA$VAL[ic-1] } else if(dA$WVAL[ic]==" S"){ dA$Eigenvalue_Cluster[ic]=dA$Eigenvalue_Cluster[ic-2] #dA$color[ic]=dA$VAL[ic-2] } } YTAGS=c("Rayleigh quotient", "Eigen residual", "Sin<(wi, ui)") it = 0 for(i in ARG){ it = it + 1 file2 = paste(file, i, sep="_") print(file2) dAA <- subset(dA, WVAL==i) for(k in 3:4){ dAAA <- subset(dAA, RHR == k) if(i==" Q"){dAAA = rbind(dAAA, subset(dAA, RHR == 20))} file3 = paste(file2, RHR[k-2], sep="_") write.csv(dAAA, paste(file3,".csv",sep="")) p1 <- ggplot(data = dAAA, aes(x=iterations, y=VAL, color=Eigenvalue_Cluster, group=RHR))+geom_point(shape=dAAA$RHR) if((AF != " A0" & AF != " A1") | ((AF == " A0" | AF == " A1") & (i != " Q")) ){p1 <- p1 + scale_y_continuous(trans='log')} p1 <- p1 + labs(y=YTAGS[it])+labs(x="Lanczos iter.") if(AF!=" A0" & AF!=" A1"){p1 <- p1 + facet_grid(~ theta)} #if(i == " S"){p1 <- p1 + ylim(max(c(min(dAAA$VAL),1e-8)), min(c(max(dAAA$VAL),1e8)))} #p1 <- p1 + scale_color_gradient(low = "blue", high = "red")#+ scale_y_continuous(limits=c(ymin, ymax)) #p1 <- p1 + theme(legend.position="bottom","horizontal",legend.direction="horizontal")+theme(text = element_text(size = 10))+theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1)) r = paste(file3,".pdf",sep="") ggsave(r, plot = p1, width = 11, height = 8) } } }
1 Test Cases
Will performed test cases in order to determine which part of the spectrum need to be deflated to accelerate convergence. Multiple strategies to extract and compress eigenvectors approximations will be set up and convergence of the method will be study under the quality of those approximations. We first show how to build matrices with a desired spectrum and them we explain how to build the deflation subspace.
1.1 Matrices
The \textbf{Least Dominant} (LD) refers to the eigenpair having the smallest eigenvalue and \textbf{Most Dominant} refers to the eigenpair having the largest eigenvalue from the matrix \(A\). If the spectrum of \(A\) has some clusters, then \(\theta\) will refer to the distance between them and \textbf(Least Dominant Cluster} (LDC) is the cluster contening the smallest Eigenvalues close to \(\frac{1}{\theta}\) \textbf{Most Dominant Cluster} (MDC) is the one containing the Largest Eigenvlaues close to \(\theta\). A \textbf{Center Cluster} (CC) is used to define Eigenvalues between \(a\) and \(b\). To Construct matrices having a specific spectrum will use the formation based on EigenDecompositon: \(A=Q^{T}.\Sigma.Q\) with \(\Sigma\) a diagonal matrix such that \(A.Q^{T}_{j}=Q^{T}_{j}.\Sigma_{jj}\). Will construct five matrices \(A_{i=0,4}\) such that \(A_{0}\) has \(n\) eigen values from \(1\) to \(n\) linearly spaced by \(1\), \(A_{1}\) has \(n\) eigen values randomly pick into \([0.5,1.5]\). \(A_{2}\) has \(k\) eigen values randomly pick into \([0.5,1.5]*\theta^{-1}\) and \(n-k\) eigen values into \([0.5,1.5]\) randomly pick. \(A_{3}\) has \(k\) eigen values randomly pick into \([0.5,1.5]*\theta\) and \(n-k\) eigen values into \([0.5,1.5]\) randomly pick. $A4$= has \(k\) eigen values randomly pick into \([0.5,1.5]*\theta^{-1}\) and \(k\) eigen values randomly pick into \([0.5,1.5]*\theta\) and \(n-2*k\) eigen values into \([0.5,1.5]\) randomly pick. To construct the Eigen space \(Q^{T}\) will perform a \(=QR=\) decomposition onto a random matrice \(B\).
def setmatrix4exp(which="A0", n=40, k=1, theta=1e4): """ Set some matrices A, DA and Q such that A= Q.T@DA@Q to be used during deflation experimentations. INPUT: ------ which: str('[A0|A1|A2|A3|A4]') indicates which matrix to construct over: A0 --> diag(1,2...,N) a diagonal matrix with integer entries A1 --> a diagonal matrix with entries randomly (normal law) pick up in [0.5,1.5] A2 --> AL+A1 where AL+ means that k of A1 entries are randomly pick up in (1.0/theta)*[1/2,3/2] A3 --> A1+AR where AR+ means that k percent of A1 entries are randomly pick up in theta*[1/2,3/2] A4 --> A2 and A3 effects over A1 default is A0 n: the row number of the A matrix, default is 40 theta: parameter to set AL (1/theta) and AR (theta), default is 1e4 k: the number of elements of A to set in AL and AR, default is 1. OUTPUT: ------- A matrix-like object, DA vector-like object, Q matrix-like object """ #Compute DA the diagonal matrix involved in A = Q.T@DA@Q: if which== "A0" : R = np.arange(1,n+1,1); DA = 0*np.arange(1,n+1,1) for i in range(n): alpha = np.random.randint(low=0, high=len(R), size=None) DA[i] = R[alpha] RR = 0*np.arange(1,n-i,1) jj = 0 for j in range(len(R)): if j != alpha : RR[jj] = R[j]; jj+=1 R = RR DA = np.diag(DA,0) elif which == "A1" or "A2" or "A3" or "A4": DA = 1.0*np.random.sample((1,n))+0.5 DA = DA[0,0:n] if which == "A2": AL = (1.0/theta)*np.random.sample((1,k))+(1.0/(2.0*theta)) AL = AL[0,0:k] for i in range(k): DA[i] = AL[i] elif which == "A3": AR = theta*np.random.sample((1,k))+(0.5*theta) AR = AR[0,0:k] for j in range(k): DA[(n-1)-j] = AR[j] elif which == "A4": if(k%2==0): hk = int(k/2) else: hk = int((k+1)/2) AL = (1.0/theta)*np.random.sample((1,hk))+(1.0/(2.0*theta)) AL = AL[0,0:hk] AR = theta*np.random.sample((1,hk))+(0.5*theta) AR = AR[0,0:hk] for i in range(hk): DA[i] = AL[i];DA[(n-1)-i] = AR[i] DA = np.diag(DA,0) #Compute Q involved in A = Q.T@DA@Q like a Q-matrix from the QR decomposition # of a random matrix B: B = 1.0*np.random.rand(n,n).T Q,R = la.qr(B,mode='full') del R; del B #Finalized by setting A=Q.T@DA@Q #Return A Matrix like object, DA vector like object, Q.T matrix like object DA = np.hstack((DA.diagonal())) #Sort DA, Q.T in ascending order on DA: i=0 QT = Q.T.copy() while i<len(DA)-1: for j in range(i+1, len(DA)): if DA[j]<DA[i]: sw=DA[j]; DA[j]=DA[i]; DA[i]=sw vw=QT[...,j:j+1].copy(); QT[...,j:j+1]=QT[...,i:i+1].copy() QT[...,i:i+1]=vw.copy() i+=1 del Q return QT@np.diag(DA,0)@QT.T,DA,QT
1.2 Deflation Subspace
In practise the Deflated subspace W
is build using approximate eigenvectors and
search vectors from the previous solve. But for this study will used also an existing
. Here we solve \(A.x^{s}=b^{s},\, \for s=1,2\) and the first system (s=1) is solved
by CG
and \(l\) search vectors are stored in order to compute \(k\) approximate eigen vectors \(w_{i=1,..,k}\)
such that during the second solve (s=2) the deflated subspace is spanned by \(W=span(w_{1},...,w_{k})\).
The part of the spectrum to be deflated is specified by arguments:
\begin{itemize} \item $LD-->MD$: $W_{i=1,k}$ are the $k$ eigen vectors associated to the $k$ smallest eigen values \item $MD-->LD$: $W_{i=1,k}$ are the $k$ eigen vectors associated to the $k$ Largest eigen values \item $LMD$: Combine the two arguments \end{itemize}
In this case will study the convergence of DEF-CG
when \(l\), \(k\) vary and define the \(S_{i=0,1,2,3}\) test cases:
The stopping criterion used for those tests is based on the iterated residual such that DEF-CG
stop when \(\frac{||r_{i}||_{2}}{||b||_{2}}<1E-16\).